Let's Narc

Local performers whose MySpace sites include references to illegal drug use:

Cheez and Mac Jabronie from El Cajon post songs with titles such as "Big Phat Bluntz" ("Grab the fire and burn one down"), "Stoner Party" ("Smokin' that shit is what I need"), and "Cocaine in the Membrane" ("White soft powder up the nose, suck it through a plastic hose").

The page for the Electric Waste Band features images of anthropomorphic M&Ms surrounded by marijuana, Homer Simpson jamming on guitar with Phish beneath a pot banner, and a bleary-eyed Yoda taking a bong hit.


Atop the page for 80 Thou' Beats is a photo of Bob Marley smoking (presumably) a joint, and their song "Smokin' Zone" has been played around 1360 times.

Dank (likely named after a potent marijuana) post a song called "One Spliff a Day" ("it keep the evil away").

The page header for the Hormigas from National City reads "me gusta marijuana, me gustas tu" ("I like marijuana, I like you").

The Swollen Monkeys CD Cannabis Patience features a pot leaf on the cover; posted songs include "Pot Brownie OD" and "Kine Budz/Medicine Back" ("Hey, officer, give me my medicine, I've got my prescription").

The Smokes describe themselves as "Four stoners from Bonita" who have "forged a strong friendship over pot." They're currently running a "Get Smoked Out with the Smokes" offer on their page. "Find us a place to play and buy us beer...anyone and everyone can be a winner." The prize? "One of the Smokes will bum you a Parliament Light cigarette, and you could be packed a bowl of delicious, Smokes-approved ragweed pot."

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