Cozy Pelosi

"I don't know what's going on, but 'Neo-Conservative Blues' suddenly jumped to number 88 on Neil Young's Living with War website," says Mark DeCerbo. A week earlier, the song -- cowritten with comic book and videogame artist Thomas Carroll -- was at number 1110 on Young's archive of contemporary protest songs. "Maybe a lot of Web searches are being done on the new female speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, whose name is in the song," he says.


Sample lyric: "We've lost the House and the Senate, and then there's Nancy Pelosi/ She ain't my kind of gal, don't think we'll be gettin' very cozy."

Worth noting is that the DeCerbo/Carroll song is ranked ahead of songs by David Crosby and Graham Nash ("Live On" at number 90) and by Eric Clapton/J.J. Cale ("When the War Is Over" at number 91).

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