Snatch, Scarface, 300

Robbie Robbins
Co-owner, IDW Publishing

Extras, extras, I'm all about them. DVD extras, like the custom comic books IDW's created to accompany the deluxe DVDs of Underworld, Saw II, and The Devil's Rejects as well as commentary tracks, deleted scenes, and outtakes, are what I look for in a DVD. Snatch has a good assortment of these. Snatch is Ocean's Eleven meets Fight Club with a sense of Tarantino storytelling, and, yes, Brad Pitt too. The extras in the deluxe edition -- a deck of cards, a poker dealer button, a character-bio booklet, and a full second disc of bonus material -- make it a top pick. Scarface is on my top five all-time classics list. IDW's word-for-word Scarface Scriptbook is a great companion to follow along with as Tony Montana takes over the world in full Miami bloody-gangster style.


Snatch (Special Edition)
(England) 2000, Sony Pictures

Scarface (Widescreen Anniversary Edition)
(USA) 1983, Universal

Chris Ryall
Publisher/editor-in-chief, IDW Publishing,

Working in a creative field like comic books, I deal with a diverse array of creators, many of whom have, shall we say, extreme personality quirks. Which is one more reason that watching Garry Shandling's brilliant Not Just the Best of the Larry Sanders Show set is such a thrill. The outre personalities that made up the show are relatable and almost comforting in their peculiarity. The latest comic-to-film adaptation that works effectively while also showcasing the best of both mediums is Zach Snyder's 300, a violent yet beautiful piece of graphic storytelling. Snyder's competence with difficult material here bodes well for his upcoming take on Watchmen, long considered one of comics' best-yet-most-unfilmable properties.

Finally, comics' soon-to-be Iron Man Robert Downey Jr. is one of many reasons to embrace David Fincher's Zodiac, a police procedural that's so much more than that in Fincher's capable hands.

Not Just the Best of the Larry Sanders Show
(USA) 1992-98, Sony Pictures

300 (Widescreen Edition)
(USA) 2007, Warner Brothers

Zodiac (Widescreen Edition)
(USA) 2007, Paramount

Ted Adams
President, IDW Publishing,

A couple of years ago, we published the modern noir thriller, Easy Way, which I've always thought would make an amazing Quentin Tarantino movie. True Romance (which happens to feature a character who works in a comic shop) is written by Tarantino and is among my favorite DVDs. IDW's best known horror title, 30 Days of Night, has been turned into a movie that comes out next month, but John Carpenter's The Thing is among the available horror DVDs that I play the most.

My wife and I enjoy watching TV shows on DVD, and CSI remains one of my favorites. I liked the show so much that IDW's first licensed comic was based on the series and it continues to be one of our longest running titles.

True Romance - Director's Cut (Two-Disc Special Edition)
(USA) 1993, Warner Brothers

The Thing (Collector's Edition)
(USA) 1982, Universal

C.S.I. Crime Scene Investigation - The Complete First Season
(USA) 2000, Paramount

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