Sharon Stone, Fire...F-Yeah

Near downtown L.A., around 70 bands played Echo Park's three-day Fuck-Yeah Fest in late August, including locals Sleeping People.


"It was pretty well run, as far as festivals go," says guitarist Kasey Boekholt. "We were treated well and got to play for around 500 people. Sharon Stone, of all people, was there and bought two T-shirts from us at our concession table after the show. All I could think of to say was, 'Thanks, Sharon.'...

"After the show, though, as we were loading our van in the alley, there were these kids setting trash and debris on fire everywhere! There was this cardboard fire burning near us, and we took the complimentary water bottles [festival workers] gave us and put out most of the flames. The cops and the fire department came just as we got it out, but the people who set it had already run off. Luckily, they didn't accuse us of being a crazy band [who] set the fire ourselves. That probably happens a lot up there. You don't see many parking-lot infernos in San Diego."

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