Cheap Sex

Cheap Sex is on a growing list of local performers sounding off with politicized lyrics. The title track of their debut album, Launch Off to War, paraphrases the old Country Joe cheer ("What the fuck are we fighting for?") and may have earned the band its own FBI file with lyrics such as The screams of a child / And the death of a man / And now we're killing for gas / Out in the sand.


"Raped by the FCC" draws a line from President Bush to Janet Jackson's bejeweled breast: Indecency is a word for this freedom invasion / From the Christian right and the Bush administration / Church and state is his agenda / Drop a bomb in a heartbeat but a boob offends ya?

"Dick Cheney": He's the biggest crook in town / He shuts his eyes when the scandals are found / You've worked for all your life to grow old and retire / Now your life savings just went up in fire.

Cheap Sex's new album, Written in Blood, will be released June 6 on Punkcore Records. An audio stream of the title track is posted on the label's MySpace page.

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