Midget Madness

Midget Madness singer/bassist Chris Angelo says, "We can fit on any stage, no matter what size it is.... All of us are five foot five or less." The trio plays original rock reminiscent of the Buzzcocks and Dead Kennedys.

"We've all been buddies since [Hilltop] high school," says Angelo, 22. "We all wrestled.... I got a full [scholarship] to Iowa State. But it ended because of financial cutbacks. They only offered me a 30 percent scholarship [for his sophomore year]."


So, Angelo returned to San Diego to concentrate on Midget Madness with his brother Jon, 24 (guitar), and Neto Garcia, 24 (drums).

"Our name was taken from a series of midget porno videos," says Angelo. "I don't think we own the name, to tell you the truth. If they wanted to come after us [for use of the name], they wouldn't get anything because we don't make anything.... The name breaks the tension. Tall girls really don't go for short guys."

Midget Madness appears tomorrow at the State House Pub near SDSU.

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