Woman president

Liberal Inferno

I've wondered numerous times when America will elect a woman president. Will the tradition of electing male presidents be broken in my lifetime? Women are capable of completing the job, but no opportunity seems to have arisen until now.

Hillary Clinton currently sits as the Democrats' top pick for the next presidential election. In 2008, she may be given the chance to prove what a woman can do for the country. She seems to be the perfect pick for the Democrats, with previous experience as senator of New York and as first lady of the White House. The question is, will she be able to break the stereotype of women being incapable of handling the presidential position? I'm afraid a few things will hinder her campaign for president.

First, she's Bill Clinton's wife. Although Bill Clinton, a two-term president, was successful in many areas, people in the United States still seem unsure and skeptical of him. Nowadays, he's notorious for his affair with Monica Lewinski, which also gives Hillary a somewhat bad reputation. Although Bill made Hillary a well-known politician, his past hinders her chances.

Another problem is centuries-old tradition. Over the years, women have broken down the boundaries of jobs thought to be only for men. For example, women can now pursue careers in engineering and mathematics. However, one view still remains in the minds of the young and the old: the idea of a male president. Although America has grown in accepting women in the workforce, American society is not ready for a woman president.


I think that the most capable person for the job should take over after President Bush, even if that means a woman. I hope American society can prove me wrong and show that they are capable of disregarding their prejudices and voting for the best candidate. -- Bryanna Schwartz, Westview H.S.

T he commander in chief is a woman!?! Well, maybe not yet, but why not? Though the Equal Rights Amendment failed, feminism and politics still make for good conversations among patriots, whether they're fanatical or near apathetic. Mention Hillary Clinton and your conversations will take a sharp turn for the better or worse. For that precise reason, however, Hillary Clinton has very little chance of receiving the title of president of the United States. Her gender does play a role in her ruined chances, but more of a problem is the polarizing effect she has on Americans. Everyone either thinks she is next to godliness or that she is straight from the liberal inferno; this is quite a problem when our country is already dealing with some "divided-we-fall" issues.

As for the long-enduring female sex, a representative thereof could relatively easily win the election if she (1) didn't rely on her gender to bolster votes, and (2) isn't too much of a donkey or elephant, but rather a nice medium such as, say, a donkephant -- nice and well-rounded.

Complaints abound about the stubborn conservatism of the Republicans and the wily upstart Democrats. The number of registered Independents is growing. "Moderate" is the fashionable (and profitable) way to swing votes nowadays, and anyone who can convincingly milk that stance will win -- male or female.

We can always call on Geena Davis or Bill Pullman -- they make great media-friendly presidents, and the issue of gender would be drowned out by our awe at having a star president. Maybe Governator Schwarzenegger can give them political tips in exchange for Constitutional amendments here and there. -- Mary Lindquist, El Capitan H.S.

Finally! It's about time that a woman steps up to the presidential plate. And I can't think of anyone better than Hillary Clinton to hit that home run for the United States. We as a nation have come far in accepting women into positions of power. Some have done well and some have not, but, overall, I believe that Mrs. Clinton would do well for us. Of course, no one should forget about Clinton's opponent, John McCain. Right now, he is the top choice for the Republican party and is supposedly doing well. Personally, I think it is about time the U.S. had a Democrat for president. Not Clinton per se, but someone from the Democratic party.

With the war going on and Bush's approval rate plummeting, it would be refreshing to have someone in charge with a different outlook. Troops are dying every day, and the same things are being said to assure us that this war is a good thing. I think it would be good to hear the views of someone else for a change, and maybe Hillary Clinton can give Americans those views.

Even though the election is not for another couple of years, it is a good idea to consider the future of our country now. Why should the country be limited to only male presidents? There will be people who say that women are too emotional, too willing to please, or too unstable. But what about men? It has been recorded in our nation's past and present that men have made poor choices. Look at Johnson's Vietnam, Nixon's Watergate...or Bush's Iraq War. All of these men seem to have some sort of justification, but look at all of the death and scandal that surrounds them all. So, why harshly criticize the presidency of women when men are just as susceptible to mistakes? -- Lee Ann Gonzales, Monte Vista H.S.

I wish very much that Hillary Clinton had a chance at becoming president. Although (as much as I hate to say it), I don't think Americans are ready to accept a government run by a woman; I think Americans believe women are not as strong leaders as men. The reputation of Bill Clinton may also limit Hillary's chances because people tend to be judged by those with whom they associate. Even though Hillary had no major part of the Bill-and-Monica scandal (other than being the victim), she may seem to be a weak person who is taken advantage of easily. But I believe that is not the case at all; Hillary has stood tall and stayed above everyone's criticism. She stayed in the public eye, which indicates strong character. Hillary shows a great deal of morality by helping families of 9/11 victims and by granting health care for "ground zero" workers. Clinton also serves on the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee.

Considering that John McCain is a former military leader, Hillary Clinton may be more qualified for the job of presidency. With the current military-based president, our country has been in shambles. -- Natalie Venolia, Ramona H.S.

America the beautiful is so attractive that mostly men have had the privilege of running her. Is it possible to have a woman as president of the United States? Well, Hillary Clinton and her supporters think it is. At this point, America is not emotionally stable enough to handle a woman president...especially Hillary. Who knows why she wants to run? Is it to show up her oh-so-loyal hubby? Besides that point, the thought of a woman who has such a power-hungry and manipulative reputation running the country scares me. Rumor has it she set up a system to monitor her husband's girlfriends. Now, if we had a president that used that form of control, America wouldn't work so well. Don't get me wrong -- I don't know all the facts about Hillary, but the pieces of information I do know are unsettling.

Luckily for me, and Republicans, John McCain will run in this next election. A man going up against a woman for president is an interesting situation to think about, but I think we all know who stands a better chance. People aren't sexist, but I don't believe they're about to choose a woman over a man yet.

America is indeed beautiful, and its spirit strong. To keep this country thriving, I think we ought to stick with tradition and stay out of the unknown realms that could lead us to destruction. -- Alexis Sebring, Carlsbad H.S.

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