What...No Pampers for Fergie?

When the Black Eyed Peas play Cox Arena tonight, they request the purchaser/promoter "provide at his/her expense an experienced, professional, English speaking, sober monitor engineer" (with "sober" underlined) as well as a "first class lighting system." Their catering rider requests two pizzas ("one pepperoni, one vegetarian"), fried chicken ("assorted pieces"), bagels and cream cheese, some donuts, and two pounds of assorted nuts ("especially cashews, pistachios").


Before Sheryl Crow plays Copley Symphony Hall on Monday, October 24, she expects her dressing room to have a bowl of tuna salad ("include red onions"), a bowl of candy ("chocolate bars, etc."), a large pack of pretzels, four packs of chewing gum, eight pairs of black 100-percent cotton socks, a pack of Marlboro Lights, and a packet of dissolving vitamins ("C or B12"). She wants a bottle of "good Australian Cabernet" wine, a bottle of "good Merlot," and, since it's Monday, a bottle of Makers Mark Bourbon. (If Crow's concert falls on a Tuesday, it's gin; Wednesdays, Courvoisier brandy; Thursdays, Champagne; Fridays and Sundays call for a bottle of tequila and margarita mix; Saturday gigs require a bottle of Absolut Vodka and a carton of orange juice.) (from www.entertainment-lawattorney.com)

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