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Thirty Years Ago WANTED: Women who worked in or led liberation movement, to help me in a liberation movement for myself, as I can't alone. I am hypnosis-controlled, trying to hold reversed. -- CLASSIFIEDS, November 20, 1975

Twenty-Five Years Ago Dear Matthew Alice:


I've noticed that the air pollution in Solana Beach is consistently high, relative to San Diego and Oceanside. As a Solana Beach resident, I want to know why the ocean breezes don't give us a break.

Amy F., Solana Beach

Owing to the shape of the coastline, sea breezes push smog into Solana Beach and the rest of North County on days when the overall pattern of wind blows smog from Los Angeles out to sea. This "transport" (as it is called at the Air Pollution Control District) occurs when a northeasterly wind of one to five miles per hour flows over the Southern California basin. It pushes the smog southwest of Los Angeles and Orange counties, then ocean breezes pick it up and move it over the land again. -- STRAIGHT FROM THE HIP, Matthew Alice, November 20, 1980

Twenty Years Ago At 5:00 p.m. today, like every other day, as soon as the phone rates drop, San Diego's electronic underground will activate almost as if on command. Tonight an estimated 450,000 people from every corner of the nation will connect a personal computer to their telephone and talk with each other through a vast network of electronic "bulletin boards." -- "ADVENTURES IN THE ELECTRONIC UNDERGROUND," Brock N. Meeks, November 21, 1985

Fifteen Years Ago My friend James recently left an astounding list on my desk: "Final Meals Requested by Inmates Executed in Texas." Two pages, 34 names (all men), 28 meals. Steak was the entrée most frequently asked for; I counted seven T-bones and one smothered. (When I was a kid, T-bone steak was my tag for "a real good meal," and I can still get excited by the phrase. But I learned "filet mignon" a few years later.) Hamburgers and cheeseburgers were next, at six. There were only three fish; why would fish be a surprising choice? Too healthful, placid? Two chickens, two enchiladas (meat, cheese), and one pizza. Later, I realized there was no wine, no beer -- of course. -- "LAST SUPPERS," Jeff Weinstein, November 22, 1990

Ten Years Ago In the late '60s, there was a rumor that Chairman Mao convinced the population that everyone should participate in the Great Leap Forward and kill ten flies every day to help rid China of flies.... One of our company representatives just returned from Beijing with photos aplenty. In all the pictures of the open-air markets, I spied nary a fly. Whaddaya know about it? Mao was notorious for these campaigns, which included battles against rats, mice, flies, and dogs, as well as birds. And it goes on. The most recent attack on flies began in 1992. I'm not sure that explains why your friend's photos were bugless, but with the anti-pest consciousness in Beijing, probably just out of camera range was a Chinese patriot with a fly swatter. -- STRAIGHT FROM THE HIP, Matthew Alice, November 16, 1995

Five Years Ago Olive Street came into its name around 1906, when streets between A and Sacramento were named after trees. One portion of Olive, a quiet cul-de-sac in North Park, has 15 homes --22 counting those off the alley. Here neighbors jog together, go to the movies in a pack, and check with others on Friday night to see who wants to order take-out. Weekend mornings, someone is sure to have a fresh pot of coffee brewing, and neighbors know they can pop in, pour themselves a hot cup, then go home without the requirement to sit and chat. -- "A HOUSE AND A TREE SPELL CONTENTMENT TO ME," Jangchup Phelgyal, November 16, 2000

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