Are the parking meters near Seaport Village run by the Port District?

Matthew Alice:


Saw these parking meters near Seaport Village. They blink red when expired. This is Port District property. How unusual. What gives?

-- Downtown Sam, downtown (where else?)

Jetted down there hoping for a major light show or at least some 22nd-century technology. Found neither. According to Securityman, certain we were up to some mischief, the property is Seaport's, not The port's. SV has 24 metered spaces (behind a fence, near the carousel) in addition to the gated lots. The meters are old Duncan Eagle CXs (their cheapest), which flash red in the window on their backsides when they want to be fed. Inconvenient, sez Securityman, since the ticket writer is in the wrong parking lane when he sees it. So our trip wouldn't be a waste, we hunted for something to make the question printworthy. The best we could do: The Duncans now make parking meters. They used to make famous yo-yos. I'm not sure I understand the technology transfer.

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