John Moores blew more than $200,000 on Kathleen Brown in California and Ann Richards in Texas.

Strike three

It's been 11 years since the Padres were number 1 at anything, but new owner John Moores tops the list of professional baseball team owners who contributed money to federal candidates or a national party committee. So says a study by the Center for Responsive Politics. Moores gave $28,280 during the 1993-1994 tracking period, all to Democrats; members of his family chipped in another $29,980. Quips James A. Barnes in the National Journal, "Club owners, who have pleaded collective near-poverty in their current labor dispute with the players, were much more willing to reach into their pockets for gifts to the pols." Moores' largess toward the Democrats is famous; aside from his donations on the national level, Moores last year blew more than $200,000 on losing gubernatorial runs by Kathleen Brown in California and incurribentAnn Richards in Texas. who lost to the son of former president Bush, Neil Bush.

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