"Anything I need to do later in the day seems manageable after I go surfing"

Getting up early in the morning is a good way to start the day.

Jack & Will Chamberlain (22 & 19) surf Fletcher Cove.


Will: No, we grew up in Phoenix but have lived here for ten years. I just graduated from the University of Colorado Boulder.

Jack: I go to TCU in Texas.

Was it hard being away from the ocean during the school year?

Jack: It was tough at first, but I started skiing more. There is so much to do in Boulder. I just picked up different activities. Everyone is always outside.

Now that you've graduated are you going to try to stay in San Diego?


Jack: Yeah, for the surf!

When did you first start surfing?

Will: We went to a surf camp in Del Mar right when we moved here from Phoenix. We just got obsessed and started going surfing all the time.

How often do you surf?

Will: I try to go every day, but if it’s not good, I won’t go. It usually ends up being like 4-5 times a week.

How far do you live from the beach?

Jack: About ten minutes

What is your favorite beach to surf?

Jack: Fletcher Cove, Pipes, and Seaside reef.

Will: Fletcher Cove, Pipes, and 11th street in Del Mar.

Have you had any cool wildlife encounters?

Will: Right out here I saw a school of sting rays. There were over 100 of them, because there is a reef out here.

What do you love the most about surfing?

Jack: Getting up early in the morning. It’s a good way to start the day.

Will: I always feel so clear headed after I go surfing. Anything I need to do later in the day seems manageable after I go surfing. It’s the best way to start your day.

Who is a better surfer?

Jack: He (Will) is probably better. I just go more. He was in Colorado my senior year of high school. My school was all online so I could come out here every day.

Advice to new surfers?

Will: Know where you are paddling out because a lot of people are very territorial at certain beaches. This beach, Fletcher Cove, is pretty friendly.

Jack: Learn about rip currents and stuff.

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