“I would appreciate it if locals were nicer to people like us who drive an hour just to surf.”

We came for the swell!

Will Michaels(17), Jaden Castellon(17), and Grant Huntley(18) surf T-street, San Clemente.

What brought you out this far away from South Pasadena?

Grant: We came for the swell!

How often do you guys surf?

Will: As much as we can.

Jaden: If the waves are good, like once a week.

Grant: Once a week minimum, but that is only because we live an hour away from the beach.


What’s your favorite surf spot?

Grant: Churches

Jaden: Churches

Will: Churches

Are you applying for colleges near the Ocean?

Grant: Every school I applied to is in California; mostly San Diego because I want to surf. I want to have that to do on the side apart from academics.

Jaden: I applied to UCSD and SDSU and pretty much any other school along the coast because surfing is my thing.

Have you had any magical moments in the Ocean?

Jaden: I had this super chill experience with a dolphin in Huntington beach. I was just chilling in the water. You always see dolphins out there but literally, a dolphin popped up a foot away from me. It was awesome! Also, at Little Dume, I was able to catch a wave with a dolphin.

Any scary animal encounters?

Will: I’ve seen a shark out there. I’ve been stung by a sting ray. During the summer I work at a surf camp in Santa Monica. Last year, three campers were stung and just about every week a counselor got stung.

What advice do you give the groms in your surf camp?

Will: I tell them to go out surfing as much as they can.

Do you have any surfing pet peeves?

Grant: I feel like most locals have pet peeves. I don’t feel like I have the right to be a jerk in the water. I guess if I had one, it would be that I would appreciate it if locals were nicer to people like us who drive an hour just to surf.

Jaden: When we got out there, it’s the locals home. We try to be respectful.

Do you have a dream surf spot?

Grant: I watch this YouTube station called “Surfers of Bali” every morning before school. It would be the dream to surf in Bali.

Favorite day out on the water?

Jaden: Today for sure! It was a blessing!

Will: I agree, this has been one of my favorite sessions

Grant: It’s so nice today. We are used to waves that don’t really peel or close out. This, today, was amazing.

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