There's an art to falling

"I have built up my immunity, but I still get sick"

Justin Mendhan, Walter Graen, and Mikial Tolmosoff

The Tijuana Slough is known for its massive break. Coupled with a rocky reef and heavy pollution from the Tijuana River, it can be dangerous and during the winter months it’s often closed due to pollution.

“I have had some injuries out here. Whenever I hit my head, that’s not cool. There is an art form to falling, so luckily I haven’t done that a lot,” says Tolmosoff.


“I have been surfing here since I as a kid, so I have built up my immunity, but I still get sick,” says Mendhan of the pollution.

“Some spots in San Diego are great for surfing but they are just too packed. I mean, when there are 100 guys out at Swamis it’s not so fun.

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