Daniel Holden after his release from death row

Mockumentary of one of England’s loudest bands

Rectify: perspectives that you might not agree with

Rectify is a wonderfully slow-paced four-season drama. I’m impressed when a show successfully portrays a variety of perspectives that you might not agree with but you grow to understand. Set in Paulie, Georgia, it explores the life of Daniel Holden after his release from death row 19 years after being imprisoned for rape and murder at age 16. The imperfect characters are incredibly nuanced and pull you into their lives as much with what remains unsaid as what is said. 

  • Rectify (USA) 2013-17, Sundance TV
  • Available on Vudu and Amazon Video

This Is Spinal Tap remains one of my all time favorites. Spinal Tap is "one of England’s loudest bands” and the mockumentary chronicles one of their tours. The mundane details of the tour are given the highest stakes and are hilarious. Michael McKean, Christopher Guest and Rob Reiner are at their straight-talking ridiculous finest. I’ve never looked at cold cuts and miniature bread the same.

  • This Is Spinal Tap (USA) 1984
  • Available on iTunes and Google Play

— Susan Clausen, Founder, Clausen Communications and arts lover

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