An anti–Silver Linings Playbook

Straight Time

Straight Time (USA, 1978, Warner Brothers), directed by Ulu Grosbard and starring Dustin Hoffman, is a quintessential ’70s movie of the New Hollywood, a period I regard as the best in film history. I love movies from this period because filmmakers and actors of the period had nothing to lose. They went full out every time. Available on Google Play and VUDU.


Clean, Shaven was directed by Lodge Kerrigan, who is unheralded as one of America’s finest directors. Clean, Shaven plays like an anti–Silver Linings Playbook. Peter Greene is at his best here. Really out there. Maybe only comparable to Harvey Keitel in Bad Lieutenant or Michael Rooker in Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. These movies are why I love American independent cinema. This is what used to be made before people just started remaking Juno over and over. Available on Amazon and iTunes.

— Jesus Vasquez, filmmaker/film geek

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