Steve from National City can smell loyalty

Confidence man seeks students.

Hugh Hefner

Post Title: First Words

Post Date: April 11, 2013

From all over the world, I get requests for more information about the novels I write about your life. Now, I am taking it a step further. I will write you the first line of the novel of your life. First, I will ask you a series of ten original questions (which might lead to more questions) for me to get the right feel for the tome I am about to pen. Then, for a modest fee, I will put into words the opening sentence to the novel which comes to my mind. And here is the best thing. I have decided, with the increased demand for my unique work, that this is the very best way for me to choose the projects I will accept. So, if you love the first words and want to see more, I will give you that option and we will pursue a deal which will turn your life story into a novel. In this way, you will already be invested and so will I. Message me ASAP so I can work you into my schedule.

Post Title: Keep it Simple


Post Date: May 25, 2013

I never worked 9–5. Even the smell of an office building makes me queasy. As a boy, I posted pictures of calendar girls on my walls. I wanted them as my roommates. Hugh Hefner was my boyhood hero. Even Mickey couldn’t do for me what Hef did. It is just after 4 a.m. in San Diego as I write this. Time means nothing to me any longer. I work online to make others money, starting with me. I do what I love. For most of my life, I have done just that. Frank sings, “I have been a puppet, a poet, a pirate, a pawn and a king.” Well, I have been a teacher, a CPA, an entrepreneur, a dad, and a husband. It has been a good life, but it took me many years on my journey to realize one thing. It is all about me. Nobody is going to care more than I do. I don’t like meetings, phone calls, or being involved in anything that I don’t create. If you are a writer like me, that might be important to you and you will want to take this journey with me. If you don’t, you can get off the bus now. Keep it simple.

Post Title: Do you have a flair for matchmaking?

Post Date: June 9, 2013

Who knew professional matchmaking would become a one-billion-dollar industry? In 1973, 40 years ago, I was partying with Pistol Pete, who was on vacation at Hefner’s South Beach hotel in Miami before anyone had ever heard of South Beach. At 23, I knew where the action was, although I never expected to find an NBA god at the bar. For many years, I kept my matchmaking skills in the closet. After all, I was a CPA, performer, writer, and bon vivant. I figured that it was best to protect my clients by keeping my matchmaking business private. Hello, social media! Now I get hundreds of requests each week from those who want to join my business. Has anyone ever said you have a flair for matchmaking? Well, your time has arrived.

Post Title: Confidence is Power

Post Date: December 6, 2013

Dear Steve, I understand you are associated with confidence teaching and the spread of confidence. How can I get involved in this? It has my name all over it. Excited

Dear Excited, These are the letters I receive seven days a week, and if you share this passion of mine, it will soon become a major part of your life as well. Students, athletes, entrepreneurs, and others began asking me to teach them confidence decades ago. It has evolved to a point where I am now teaching the grandkids of those first students. There is one requirement above all for joining me in my unique business: loyalty. I can smell it a million miles away. If you want to partner with me in my passion of spreading the power of confidence, send me a simple email about yourself. Your initial investment gives you the opportunity to interview other candidates with me and profit from their participation. As you might imagine, I can hardly keep up with the communication and I work at my own pace. If you want to work with me, I need to know you are special. All other missives are ignored. Steve

Title: Visionary | Address:

Author: Steve Tarde | From: National City | Blogging since: 2007

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