Mystic Braves delivers sounds of summer to Soda Bar

“One more! One more!” A packed Soda Bar begged the evening’s headliners Mystic Braves to continue playing as their hour-long set neared its end. Eager to continue, the Los Angeles–based quintet responded without missing a beat, pushing their set past 1 a.m. to appease the dance-happy crowd: all in all, a great deal for a “Free with RSVP” show.

Born in San Diego in 2011, Mystic Braves stay true to their SoCal roots by bringing the magnetic vibe of surf and sand to the stage. Mixing dark organ echoes reminiscent of the Doors with rapid vibrato inspired by surf-rock guitarist Dick Dale, Mystic Braves forge their own brand of psychedelic surf rock.

Though Mystic Braves have released two albums to date, their ample onstage energy is difficult to capture in the studio – the band is best heard live. From old favorites “Vicious Cycle” and “Trippin Like I Do” to the rapid, rolling rhythms of new tracks like “Born Without a Heart,” Mystic Braves brought their best songs to the stage, exciting local fans and keeping energy levels high by encouraging the dancers lining the stage. When their last looping riff trailed off, a venue-wide applause called an end to the show and another successful gig for the rising Mystic Braves.

  • Concert: Mystic Braves
  • Date: June 25
  • Venue: Soda Bar
  • Seats: GA
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