Ten ways to beat the holiday bulge

Don’t forget about your green friends this season.

Healthy alternatives at the holiday table...anyone?

Thanksgiving and Christmas have always been my favorite time of the year. This year will be the first time I am away from my family for Thanksgiving, but I could not be more excited to fly home to Connecticut for 10 days this Christmas! Some of my best memories involve all of us stuffing our Italian faces for Thanksgiving (3 or 4 courses, usually!), baking Christmas cookies with my family, and of course, enjoying my Grandmama’s world-famous lasagna while eating Papa’s “ta-tas” (aka creamy mashed potatoes) for dessert. I know I am not the only one whose holidays revolve around food, so now that they’re upon us (although it still feels like summer in San Diego!), I thought it would be a great idea to share some simple ways you can stay healthy and happy this holiday season while still enjoying yourself.

The holidays are a time of happiness, sharing & caring. So why not care about something that allows you to be YOU every single day? Your BODY. Here are 10 steps to a healthier, happier holiday

When doing your holiday baking, swap unhealthy oils, butter & more for healthier options! You won’t taste the difference, I promise. Check my conversion chart for suggestions. 

Practice portion control. We tend to over-eat by consuming extra large portions of our meals. Fill your dish with a balanced combination of protein, carbs, and fats, then skip out on seconds. There will always be more leftovers later; no need to stuff your stomach to capacity now.


Indulge in your favorite dessert…in moderation. My favorites are cookies, cookies, and more cookies. My house is filled with hundreds for the entire month of December! Pick a couple of your favorite and call it a day. No need to pig out on every single dessert in the room.

If you’re hosting a get-together at your own home, guess what? YOU control what types of food you serve. Opt for healthier versions of your favorite meals. A healthy sweet-potato dish will be just as tasty as one full of unnecessary fats, sugars & sweets. Do your research and check out my Pinterest Board for some ideas.

Make sure you continue to stay hydrated! It is so easy to skip this healthy tip, especially when the weather gets cold! This will help flush out toxins and decrease the bloat from the treats you do enjoy.

Fill your plate with equal two or more veggies than whatever else is on it. Many (including myself) tend to jump right to the potatoes, bread, turkey, ham and lasagna, leaving no room for our favorite green friends. Don’t skimp on the greens, as they will help with digestion.

Get a workout in before the big feast! Head outdoors for a run, hit the gym if it’s open, or find an open area in your house to get some plyos in. A 30-minute sweat sesh will make you feel energized and your holiday dinner can be a great refuel!

Take it easy on the alcohol! Since your body can’t metabolize alcohol, everything else you consume while enjoying a drink or two gets put “on hold” until the alcohol is out of your body. Hello, easy way to gain fat! Limit yourself to 1–2 drinks and try to avoid those sugary cocktails!

Take a walk post-meal! Ever since I can remember, after each round of Thanksgiving dinner, my family would go for a walk around my grandmother’s neighborhood. Not only is this great for digestion (as opposed to getting sucked into the couch), but you will feel so much better!

Finally, don’t get too caught up in the holiday hustle. This is a time you should enjoy with your loved ones, so if you end up having a few extra cookies, or too much lasagna…don’t hate yourself for it! You are human AND you know a great personal training company…hint hint.

With these thoughts in mind throughout the next two months, you can avoid extra weight-gain, holiday blues, and that sick-to-your-stomach feeling you get after consuming too much.

Blog: SD Evolution

Original post Date: November 14, 2014

Author: Alessandra Daniele | From: San Diego | Blogging since: October 2014

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