Exit Through the Gift Shop, Tideland

Exit Through the Gift Shop

I’m still not sure if the documentary Exit Through the Gift Shop is a hoax or not. But regardless of its authenticity, it is a fascinating look at the work of Banksy and other street artists that have grown in the public eye from vandals to fine artists whose work is sold for thousands of dollars.

Tideland by Terry Gilliam is a movie that satisfies my appetite for both fantasy and horror. The story is told from the perspective of a little girl whose heroin addict parents leave her to raise herself. She finds friendship and love in the most bizarre places. The cinematography is beautiful and the film leaves you with plenty to think about.

  • Exit Through the Gift Shop (USA/England) 2011, Oscilloscope Laboratories
  • List price: $39.99
  • Tideland (UK/Canada) 2005, ThinkFilm
  • List price: $14.98

— Soroya Rowley, Theatre Maker

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