Yarn bomber Marcy Kraft’s downtown Rubik’s Cubes

Artist sets up for Comic-Con crowd

Ever seen the South Park trees wearing colorful banded crocheted sweaters and wondered who did that? I've unraveled the mystery!

I was downtown with my Nikon shooting Comic-Con attendees and came across a slew of crocheted Rubik's Cubes covering the concrete squares at Children's Park. The mad knitter herself was there — Marcy Kraft, of Crochet Grenade.


After introducing myself to her as a huge fan and subsequently giving her a Facebook “like,” I've learned that her fiber-art installations are gaining popularity here in San Diego. Her goal for the Children's Park installation was 60 Rubik's Cube Yarn Bombs, and from the information on her FB page, she had help completing about half of those.

Marcy's work is showcased at Graffiti Beach in South Park in the form of tree and lamp-post covers, as well as a bike-rack cover. Keep an eye peeled for more of Marcy's yarn bombs!

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