Possible car arson in Santee’s Santana shopping center

Alarm and explosion at 3 a.m.

(image from video shot by the author)

At approximately 3:00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 22, a possible car arson occurred in the Santana Village Shopping Center in Santee. The car was in the parking lot behind the Subway sandwich shop and across Magnolia Boulevard from Santana High School.

Neighbors in the adjoining Carefree East condominium complex were woken by a persistent car alarm and a subsequent explosion as fuel from the car ignited.


People who came out of their homes to investigate the noise saw billowing smoke and sparks arising from the car in the parking lot, illuminated by the flashing lights of sheriff’s deputies and the fire department.

The fire was easily extinguished by the fire department. The car was likely a total loss.

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