DVD picks from a lover of apocalyptic media

Six String Samurai

After nuclear fallout, rockers from all over trek to Vegas where they hope to claim the crown from the recently deceased king, Elvis. Anti-hero Buddy (Jeffrey Falcon) — dressed in a suit and armed with a katana and a guitar — aspires to the throne but before you kill your enemies, you must rock out. He’s hunted by a heavy-metal Death and accompanied by an unwanted kid. The rockabilly music merges the comedic and dystopic aspects of the film. A must-see for fellow post-apocalyptic fans.

Rarely do I get so completely engrossed in a television show that I search for clues about the mythology on the internet. More rarely do I sleep in a line all night to get a seat at the Comic-Con panel. This is the outrageous lure of Lost, six seasons of a well-crafted cast, a mind-boggling mythology, and an incredibly captivating pilot episode.

  • Six String Samurai
  • (USA) 1998, Palm Pictures
  • List price: $14.97
  • Lost (USA) 2004–2010, ABC
  • List price: $232 (38 discs)

— Kamia Matory, Lover of apocalyptic media

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