SDG&E customers lose power in Cardiff

Only a 20-minute blackout

About 2000 SDG&E customers in Cardiff were without power for a short time on Saturday night, December 22. The east-of-the-freeway neighborhoods of Park Place, Poinsettia Heights, and Sea Village were affected by the 8:30 p.m. outage


The 20-minute outage forced Cardiff Chevron and Valero gas stations at the I-5/ Birmingham off-ramp to lock their doors. Customers at the El Pueblo taco shop had to go home without their ordered food.

On Windsor Road, a performance of The Nutcracker had just ended in the Ada Harris Elementary School’s auditorium. School custodian Randy Brown said the group cleaning up probably thought he was pushing them out by turning off the lights.   

Across the street at the Elks Lodge, their regular Saturday dance was in full swing. One of the security guards said the lodge had a back-up generator. “Everyone just stayed inside,” the guard said. One club member in the parking lot jokingly said, “We’re not leaving our booze on the table.” 

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