DVD Picks: The Song Remains the Same, Holiday Inn

Holiday Inn

My first movie is a holiday classic, Holiday Inn. It was made in 1942 and features Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire. For my family and me, it’s a tradition to watch this movie when the weather turns colder and the holidays are upon us.

The second movie is quite different from my first selection but does also involve music. The movie is The Song Remains the Same. It’s a concert documentary shot in the ’70s about Led Zeppelin. It’s two hours of great original footage of Led Zeppelin playing live at Madison Square Garden. If you love old rock ’n’ roll, this movie is for you. The drum solo by John Bonham may be the best one ever.


— Shawn DeWitt, Director of brewing operations, Coronado Brewing Co. and president of San Diego Brewers Guild

Holiday Inn (USA) 1942, Universal. List price: $14.98

The Song Remains The Same (England/USA) 1976, Warner Brothers. List price: $20.97 (two discs)

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