Get over Your Temp Phobia

You might not consider taking a temp job because it seems like a risky move. Other than a paycheck what would you get out of it? No health insurance or 401(k) plan, no vacation or sick time, no company picnics, and no guarantee of a job from month to month.

Get over yourself!

The latest trend in jobs is not to have a permanent cubicle in the same old boring office with the same old boring people. This time around hopefully you’ll have learned your lesson about getting so close to your fellow employees that they want to be friends on Facebook.

Seriously, a new report finds that temp work is likely to become even more common in the future.


The report from The McKinsey Global Institute finds that in the next five years, more than half of employers expect to rely more on temporary, part-time, and contract workers for a variety of duties.

In many cases, a temp job is better than a full-time job.

Not convinced?

There are already 8.4 million involuntary part-time workers in the United States, according to the July unemployment data from the Labor Department.

If in the end temp work just isn’t a good fit, you can always ask the employer if you can be considered for permanent employment. Let your employer know you like what you’re doing and would like to keep doing it. Once you’re established in your temping position and know you’re doing a good job, consider coming right out and asking to be hired for a permanent job. This could end up being miserable and boring. But hey, you can always go back to being a temp.

Cheryl Goodwin of Orange County lost her job as a teacher in 2010, so she signed on with a temp agency. She worked in offices for a luggage company, a granola manufacturer, and a funeral home in less than a year.

“I loved all these jobs because they gave me such a new outlook on life,” she said. “Before, when I was teaching, it was the same thing pretty much every day. Now I look forward to seeing where the next job takes me. Temping isn’t always predictable, but that’s what I’ve learned to love about it.”

You might think that taking a temp job is taking a huge risk, but who cares? It’s time to throw caution to the wind and jump on the temp-job bandwagon. But before you make possibly the best career decision of your life; think about what you can gain – other than the coveted paycheck – from your new temp career.

Build your résumé as you hop from job to job. Build your skills so if you want to look for a full-time career later down the line you’ll be more qualified than the next guy.

Think of your temp job as a way to network. You’re doing new stuff for new companies, so take advantage of all the people you meet and leave behind.

Buy your own health insurance. Find one with a high deductible and fewer benefits. If you need a dentist, Mexico is right around the corner. Don’t ignore this one – you’ll sleep better at night if you have insurance.

Figure out your finances. If you have student loans, take a deferment. Check out if you can still file for unemployment – sometimes you can. Cut back on the booze bill and eat dinner with your parents a few times a week. It will be worth it in the long-run to be in a temp job where you choose the job and the days you work.

Seems like a no-brainer at this stage in the jobless game.

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