San Diego Judges Allowed to Park in Red Zone?

On July 22 in downtown San Diego, several expensive cars and SUVs pulled up to the red curb in front of the Family Court building at 1555 Sixth Avenue and parked. A man who identified himself as a judge said the cars and SUVs belonged to Family Court judges who were attending an educational seminar in the building.

A short time later, a fire truck came barreling down Sixth Avenue with its lights flashing and sirens blaring. The fire truck had to slow down because the illegally parked cars prevented the cars traveling on Sixth Avenue from moving to the left to get out of the way.


A female parking-enforcement officer saw the illegally parked vehicles and began to write parking citations for them. After the officer had written four parking tickets, a bailiff came out of the Family Court building and told the officer to not write any more tickets and to tear up the tickets she had already issued.

(stock photo)

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