Seriously Gen Y, applying for jobs via texting is not going to get you hired. Laughed at — probably, but landing a paycheck? Not going to happen!

In fact, employers are already fed up with young people applying for jobs via text. You might think it’s the hip thing to do, but these are older people you are dealing with, you know, like in the 30s. In fact, they already have a name for people who text their applications; “Generation Text.” Annoying these employers is not going to help you make any $$. 

Although you’ve gone off to college and taken as many pottery classes as your advisor would allow, and it looks like you’re going to graduate on time, you might be lacking in the skills that you need for an actual job interview. We all get it that you don’t listen to voicemail — especially when it’s your mom calling — and you think email is too slow, but all that texting has made your spelling skills a mess. Besides the crazy spelling, there is no way you can text a proper resume to a recruiter, so here’s some advice. 


When you find a job you are interested in, apply just as the employer asks. If they say email your resume and a cover letter, do exactly that- and don’t skip the cover letter. (And FCOL, don’t use the same style and spelling that would be found in a 140-character tweet!) 

While you are waiting to hear if you will snag an interview, research the company. Get on the Internet and put those kindergarten skills to work. Do your homework. Learn as much as possible about the company, its products, recent announcements, and its CEO. Take a trip to the library and check out the company in reference books and dig up information that can’t be found on Google. 

Find books on how to prepare for a job interview. There is a whole section at the bookstore and at libraries that can help you prepare. As for your clothes — you probably don’t have to run out to the Men’s Warehouse and max out your debit card for a three-piece suit. Hiking up the pants and putting on a shirt and tie will get you further than you think. If you have a nose ring and lots of scary tats, take them out and cover them up. Once you get the gig you can slowly start showing off the ink, but the face hardware should only come out at night. 

Here’s another no-brainer; Figure out what kind of questions a prospective employer might ask and practice answering these questions. The old, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” question is still making the rounds. Employers want to make sure that they are hiring the right person for the job. Some other questions they may ask you are, “What are your greatest challenges?” and “Why do you want to work for our company?”  

Don’t forget to memorize a list of questions to ask the interviewer. If they say, “Do you have any questions for me?” Don’t answer by asking, “So how much are you going to pay me?” Instead, ask questions such as, “Who are your ideal candidates for this position,” or “What is the top objective for the company in the next six months?”

Questions such as these make the interviewer believe that you are serious about the job and the company. It’s so much better to be prepared and much more effective than winging it. 

Once you ace the interview, don’t run out and grab your skateboard and wait for your cell phone to ring. Nope, immediately go home, sit down and email the prospective employer a thank you note. It doesn’t have to be long and intense, just thank them for their time and let them know you are excited about the job — and please, please use spell-check. When you get the call for a second interview or even better, a call telling you that you are now employed, be sure to call them back as soon as possible and thank them for hiring you. This seems like a no-brainer, but Gen Y you can be so ADD. 

Now that you have the 411 on the job stats, go ahead and start texting your friends. URW. 

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