Juke and Jive

On May 17, the Padres squared off against their divisional opponents, the San Francisco Giants. In the top of the ninth inning, Padres pitcher Heath Bell took the mound in hopes of scoring a save with his team up 3 to 1.

After facing the first batter, a young man jumped over the right-field wall and ran onto the field. The fan then took off his shirt and gunned it for center field. Immediately, four on-field security agents descended upon him. The fan juked and jived, evading capture for a few moments before he was tackled and subdued by all four security guards. A choke-hold kept him pliable while he was handcuffed, and shortly thereafter he was escorted off the field.


Heath Bell shook off the distraction and went to work on the second batter only to be disrupted again as the right-field wall was breached by another young man. The second man followed the first with a little more success at evasion, but he was ultimately subdued and zipped-tied instead of cuffed. The second offender fought back, however, and was carried off the field by the four security guards.

Both fans were ejected and arrested for trespassing. Now they will face the possibility of being permanently banned from Petco Park, the typical penalty imposed for running onto a Major League Baseball field.

Heath Bell did secure a save for the Padres, and baseball fans got a little more show for their money.

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