
On Wednesday, May 5 I went to the Subway Sandwich shop on Midway Drive. As soon as I entered the store, I knew something was wrong. There was no one working and a bag of potato chips was on the floor. The bread ovens were left ajar, and a half-made sandwich was on the counter. I called out, "Hello, is anyone there?"


I ran back to Money Tree, where I had been, and asked the manager to call the store - no answer! We went back to the store and still no one there. The manager grabbed a piece of napkin to protect from disturbing evidence and proceeded towards the back. I yelled at him, "Open the freezer door" and out popped two cold, wide-eyed women! They immediately went to open the cooler door and there was the manager and another employee.

The police arrived almost immediately. Two black men wearing do-rags on their head remain suspects in the 8:00 a.m. robbery.

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