Fool's Day Swim

On a beautiful April 1 at Sunset Cliffs, where Osprey Street meets the sea, two teenage girls leaped from a well-known rock ledge and into the water. With the strong waves consistently crashing into the rocks, the girls struggled but couldn’t get out of the water.


Passersby and joggers heard their muffled screams and saw the two swimmers attempting to grasp onto the rocks for safety. Bystanders were able to retrieve the girls from the water and help them to a ledge before rescuers arrived. Within a few minutes, helicopters, anambulance, fire trucks, lifeguards, police, and news cameramen were on the scene.

After a 40-minute rescue involving stretchers and ropes, the girls were brought up from the ledge. One of the girls was taken to the hospital for unknown minor injuries.

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