Jazz Prince Busted

This past Thursday, September 10, it was reported in Mexican newspapers that Eugene Mingus, son of seminal bass player and jazz composer Charles Mingus, was busted by Tijuana police for growing marijuana at his home in the Las Playas section of Tijuana, where he reportedly has lived for nine years.

Between 50 and 60 bushes six to nine feet tall were found thriving on Mingus’s patio. He was said to be growing strains of Afghan, Jamaican, Hawaiian, Mexican, Colombian, and a hybrid pot. Mingus reportedly first confessed to selling his crop in Rosarito to turistas, charging $250 an ounce. He also said he was growing it for his personal use; he claims to have a medical condition that is alleviated by pot use.


Authorities were mystified as to how Mingus had managed to keep his operation going for such a lengthy period of time without detection. He has since been handed over to Ministerio Público Federal in order to determine his legal situation and his immigration status.

An anonymous caller reportedly tipped off authorities to the 62-year-old’s alleged operation.

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