Out of Ashes

Out of Ashes is the debut album from Chester Bennington, vocalist of Linkin Park. Fans expecting the music to sound like Linkin Park, however, will be disappointed. There's no rapping, no angst-ridden lyrics screamed by Bennington, and the heavy, rumbling guitar chords have been dismantled.


What Dead by Sunrise does have to offer is Bennington's softer side. Songs such as "Give Me Your Name" and "In the Darkness" are slow, sung, and backed by melodic beats. There are faster songs with Bennington's trademark wail, such as "Inside of Me" and "Condemned," which should satisfy those expecting the metal vibe. It seems with Dead by Sunrise, Bennington is trying to appeal to audiences of hard and soft rock, and he does the job, providing the best of both worlds.

Artist: Dead by Sunrise
Label: Warner Bros.
Songs: (1) Fire (2) Crawl Back In (3) Too Late (4) Inside of Me (5) Let Down (6) Give Me Your Name (7) My Suffering (8) Condemned (9) Into You (10) End of the World (11) Walking in Circles (12) In the Darkness

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