Kitchen Knifed

At about 10:15 p.m. on Thursday, October 15, according to police radio traffic, two people were stabbed on the corner of Graves Avenue and East Madison Avenue in El Cajon.

El Cajon PD stated that a male pulled up to the corner of Graves and East Madison avenues in a pickup truck and got out and started to argue with a younger male. The suspect pulled out a knife and began to stab the young male. A 34-year-old male was stabbed while trying to defend the younger male. The suspect then got into his pickup and sped off.


At 10:22 p.m., El Cajon Fire/Rescue arrived. They immediately began working on the younger victim. Medics stated that the younger male was stabbed six times all over his back. He had a possible collapsed lung and lacerations on his arms. He’d lost quite bit of blood and was not responsive.

The 34-year-old suffered stab wounds to his right lower back, next to his spine. He’d lost about 100 cc’s of blood. His chief complaint was numbness in his right leg.

Medics said the wounds on both victims were caused by an eight-to-nine-inch knife, “like a kitchen knife.” Both victims were transported to Sharp Memorial Hospital. The older victim is expected to survive. The younger victim was last reported in critical condition.

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