Eek Street

An accident involving a man in a wheelchair and two vehicles occurred on Tuesday afternoon, October 13, near the entrance to the central library.


The man attempted to cross Tenth Avenue at E Street against the stoplight. A vehicle traveling south on Tenth swerved to avoid him and in the process hit the building on the east side of the street. That car came to a stop on the sidewalk after hitting the corner of the building.

A second vehicle, traveling east on E Street, hit the first vehicle and stopped in the intersection. The man in the wheelchair fell into the street. The man and the drivers of the two vehicles were taken by ambulances to nearby hospitals for observation.

The street in front of the library was still blocked off when the library closed at 5:30 p.m. Police service officers were directing traffic, and police officers were still interviewing witnesses. Local residents mentioned knowing the man in the wheelchair and having observed him crossing nearby streets against stoplights in the past.

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