Young Playwrights

The Playwrights Project, a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting literacy, creativity, and communication skills through drama-based activities, in conjunction with the Cygnet Theatre Company, held its 24th season of Plays by Young Writers, January 15-25, 2009 in Old Town. This contest is one of the oldest and most respected of its kind in the country. The work presented in this annual festival was given birth inside the highly creative imaginations of playwrights under the age of 19, all of whom were winners of the California Young Playwrights Contest.


Original script entries were evaluated in two age groups: 14 and under, who received readings, and 15 to 19, who were given an opportunity to work side-by-side with seasoned professionals to revise their scripts and stage full productions. These teenage writers created unique characters and engaging scripts revealing typical adolescent conflicts and did so in a way that appealed to both young and old. Hope Steven Spielberg has his eye on these writers!

To enter the 25th Annual California Young Playwrights Contest and to learn more about the Project, visit their website at

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