Little League Tryouts

Rancho Peñasquitos Little League held baseball tryouts at Canyonside Community Park on Saturday and Sunday, January 10-11, 2009. Players aged 8 through 12 demonstrated their batting, catching, throwing, and running skills in both the infield and outfield. Players with last names beginning with A-L went to tryouts on Saturday, while those beginning with M-Z tried out on Sunday afternoon. Parents encouraged their youth from the fences and bleachers. Managers assessed skills to balance out this season’s Majors, Minors A, and Minors B teams. At this point, there are 12 managers for Majors, 10 for Minors A, and 8 for Minor B teams. Players will be notified about what team they are on in late January or early February. Practices start in early February and games begin the first weekend in March.

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