Imperial Beach: Not Very Crowded

Steve Reed

Name: Steve Reed

Age: 26

Surfing: La Jolla


Lives in: South Park

Pre-surf food: Nachos and beer

Celebrity most like to surf with: Tony Danza

“I love surfing at Mission Beach, but I really hate the alcohol ban,” says Steve Reed, a San Diego native who has been surfing off and on for the past ten years. “I used to love having a few beers around the fire with my friends and then catching some waves at night; it’s some of the best fun I’ve ever had. Now, because of some irresponsible jerks, it’s been ruined for everyone.”

His favorite spots include Mission Beach, Black’s Beach, and, lately, Imperial Beach.

“[Imperial Beach] is a really clean break out there, not very crowded, and there are some cute girls. It’s a fun place to spend a weekend. You don’t see a lot of fights like you do in PB or at Scripps.”

Steve surfed competitively for five years.

“The thing is, a lot of the locals aren’t even all that good. There is some definite talent out here, but the real surfers don’t pay any attention to how well others are doing; they are in it for themselves and for the experience.”

Steve is coming off a two-year break from surfing because of a shoulder injury.

“I had been noticing some tension in my right shoulder, and in August of 2006, it just gave out. I was paddling back in after a four-hour session and it just gave. I was really lucky it didn’t happen when I was in deep water. I could have easily drowned.”

Steve is back to surfing four or five times a week.

“I can’t wrack my shoulder too much, so I’m just taking it easy and enjoying what the beach has to offer.”

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