Name This Place

Clue: One giant aloha.


Describe this location, name the nearest cross-streets, and win a Reader T-shirt. Enter by completing the form below.

Last week's place: (clue: Ramona's roses?) A century-old rose bush growing at Rancho Guajome, 2210 North Santa Fe Avenue, Vista. Cave Johnson Couts built the 22-room, 7000-square-foot hacienda for his bride Ysidora Bandini in 1853. This cherokee rose was planted in the 1880s, about the time author Helen Hunt Jackson visited and reputedly used the rancho as a setting in her groundbreaking romance novel Ramona. (Last week’s winners: Ernie Tom, Lleland Camblen, Kristen Rudy, Ralph Fowler, William Gomez)

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