Listen...on the Floor...Cry

Artist: Get Back Loretta

Song: “Girlface” (from the CD Over the Wall)

Heard By: Candis Krueger, Golden Hill


I love that song so much. It’s so good. It’s better live, but it’s good on CD. It’s one of those songs that you would much rather be with someone that you care about listening to, and it’s even better if you’ve just broken up and you’re listening to it on your floor crying. [Get Back Loretta] are good friends of mine. They’re amazing; I would recommend them to everybody. I don’t know who I would compare them to...I would just go with “indie.” They fit well with the people I’ve seen them play shows with. They play a lot with Silent Comedy. I would love to hear them on the radio.

Artist: Desert Diamonds

Song: “That Girl” (from

Heard By: Vincent Pham, Pacific Beach

It had a very catchy intro. Other than the fact that he kept saying “that girl,” I couldn’t really pay attention to the lyrics. It had a very “rock” setup with the percussion and the electric guitar. You could hear the acoustic in the background with the bass. I could see it playing on the radio. It’s kind of like the Beatles’ music; it’s just music that you listen to. The Beatles in their early days were known for making pop music, but later in their “hippie” days they were putting out albums that you really just put on a record player and listened to. It’s kind of reminiscent of that.

Artist: Oaks

Song: “River” (from the CD Bravo!)

Heard By: Michael Heidick, North Park

I didn’t really like the singer. The music sounded good, but it sounds very familiar. [It’s] kind of like “alternative-metal.” It sounds like they could have very easily gone a lot harder with the “metal.” It sounded like a metal band, but they weren’t going all out. The singer sounded like the singer from the Offspring. He wasn’t whining but has one of those voices that sound strained, which I don’t really like. The guitar, I liked. [I listen to] mostly alternative. I like the Smashing Pumpkins a lot. If I was driving along and it was on the radio, I probably wouldn’t change the station.

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