
Album: Wired (2007)

Artist: Retrolust

Label: Nethertune Records


Where available/price: for $11.50 or iTunes for 99 cents per song

Songs: 1) In My Head 2) Superstarrr 3) RX 4) In Vein

5) Faith for a Sedative 6) House of Fallen Saints 7) Daylight Savings 8) Lovers Tree 9) Duplicated and Dumbfounded

10) Look at Me Now 11) Mortem

Band: Garrett Kai (vocals, keyboard, electronic production), Trevor Denounce (vocals, keyboard, electronic production)


Retrolust’s genius is that this much sound comes from two guys. Garrett’s whiny voice lays flat against the electronic backbeat, which emphasizes the poppy lyrics. On track 2, “Superstarrr,” the lyrics go, “I’ll taste your lips and flash some tit and entertain a taboo.” In the same song, the “paparazzi,” the best “blow,” and “sex videos” repeat in the hook like a satirical love letter to celebutantes of Paris and Lindsay’s ilk.

The drawbacks of only two guys making this much sound is that it sounds a little cheesy in some parts. The album’s wholly electronic and keyboard arrangements come off as though someone hit the “rumba” button on a standup Casio and went about recording the rest of the track. The basics seem ignored; musical elements are glossed over. But there are enough high-flying sound effects, nimble keyboarding, and rhythmic complexity to distract the listener from the tinny quality.

I know the guys were going for a dark but contemporary “Nine Inch Nails meets Prince” glitchy pop sensibility, but the album feels more like a resurrection of all the bad parts of sterile, math-y ’80s new wave. And there’s a reason that musical phase evolved or died out: it’s a little damn irritating.

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