Name This Place

Clue: Play cup with Dennis?


Describe this location, name the nearest cross-streets, and win a Reader T-shirt. Click here to e-mail us your answer — include your name and address. (Deadline, Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 9 a.m. In case of ties, lottery will determine top five winners.)

Last week's place: (clue: Honk if you like pretty lake birds) Feeding geese at Lindo ("pretty") Lake, near Lakeshore Drive, Lakeside. Everything from migrating Canadian geese to wood ducks stop off here on the Pacific flyway migration. Some never leave, thanks partly to Lakeside residents who regularly buy seven-dollar bags of grain to keep them happy. (Last week’s winners: Mark Deane, Van Anisetto, Craig Ettern, Parker Alfredo, Leonie Wirtz)

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