Yer Mom

Shawn Gray
Age: 31
Occupation: Cafe Manager
Lives: University Heights


YER MOM It works with everything. Like... Anything, anything. We used to always bust it back and forth. "Yer mom's this, yer mom's dah- dah-dah-dah-dah." And then you can take it a step further and say, "we did this with yer mom last night." I can't even give an example of a yer mom joke because it works with everythying. Try it. Next time somebody says something, just say back to them "yer mom..." Fill in the blanks, whatever they said. Say something, anything. "I like potatoes." "Yer mom likes potatoes. Yer mom liked potatoes last night." See? It works? We even had a button on the [cash] register [at work] that said "yer mom" on it.

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