Make that a beer with a Visine back.

Hey, Matt!


Rumor has it that if you put Visine in somebody's drink it will give them major cramps and Montezuma's Revenge for about 24 hours. George might want to slip some in Saddam's drink. I bet Capitol Hill would get a chuckle out of that one!

--I'm Your Huckleberry in San Diego

Visine's cheaper than a gigantic military invasion, but Saddam with diarrhea wouldn't make such great TV. While you and Capitol Hill ponder that choice, I'll tell you that the active ingredient in most eye drops and some nasal sprays is tetrahydrozoline, a poison in great enough quantities. Diarrhea isn't a typical symptom, but since you'll be busy with the collapsing blood pressure, failing respiration, seizures, and eventual coma and death, you won't really miss it. Eye-drop bottles include poison warnings, but of course the labels are so small you can't read them, especially not people whose eyes are already red and itchy. It would take a lot of eyewash to poison a big dude like Saddam, but children can be harmed by even a small amount. Keep eye drops away from kids. If you're plotting George Bush's Revenge, maybe you're better off with Ex-Lax brownies than a Visine smoothie.

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