Best of 2003: Best South Indian Curry

Madras Café
9484 Black Mountain Road, Suite H, Miramar


Madras is in the south of India, where the Indians were not forced to assimilate with the Aryans who invaded the north 3500 years ago and brought their food with them. So South Indian curry has its own flavors. The Madras has two or three or more curries fresh every day, and because it's always buffet, you can try them all. The sheer generosity is enough to bring you back here. One plate can carry, say, cauliflower curry, eggplant dhal, tamarind rice, spiced cabbage, papad...or wrap it all in a two-foot-wide crêpe masala dosa (a south Indian wrap). After all those curries, a mango lassi (a yogurt drink) will cool you down.

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