Best of 2003: Best Public Nap Spot

City Council Chambers
202 C Street, 12th floor, Downtown
Monday through Friday, from 2 p.m. to whenever they're done doing whatever it is they do


It's cool in the summer, warm in the winter, and 95 percent of the time it's boring. The seats aren't exactly La-Z-Boys, but sit in the back row, tuck your jacket or sweater behind your head, slump back, and you'll be fine. The other spectators are either hopping-mad activists or else they're asleep like you. No one will bother you unless you snore too loud. And as you're dropping off, there are whimsies that will help send you into slumber: Is Dick Murphy wearing women's undergarments? Is Donna Frye wearing men's undergarments? Does George Stevens's universe at any point intersect with ours? Could Ralph Inzuzna be any goofier?

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