Best of 2001: Best Running/Drinking Club

Hash House Harriers


This group of more than 1000 runners call themselves "a drinking club with a running problem." Runs, or "hashes," are done in different locations around the county on different nights of the week. Thursdays are dark, unless there's a full moon, then you can hash on Thursday, too. Weekend hashes are also available. All you need is a sense of fun, sarcasm, and a taste for the double entendre. Love of corny songs and bawdy ballads is not required but appreciated. Hashes can be between four and eight miles depending on your ability to drink, run, walk, or stumble. The fee? About the cost of a good beer head at $4. Keep coming and the group will give you a name based on your personality like "Bone of Arc" or "Sheep Sex." The "Run de Resistance" is the "Red Dress Run" where everyone wears something red, be it negligee, shorts, or dress, swaggering stylishly through downtown. You can even hash your way around the world with established clubs.

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