Best of 2001: Best Place For Vegemite Sandwiches

The Australian Pub
1014 Grand Avenue, Pacific Beach


Aussie diggers surround you here, downing pints of Fosters Lager faster'n a kookaburra can swallow a fish. Quicker'n a 'roo can bust yer nose. Lagers cost the same as Buds, so no worries, mate. This is Little Australia, PB. More Aussies per square mile than anywhere outside Bondi Beach. Basically beer is food to the true-blue Aussie. But in case you want something more chewy, you can order their national dish too: Vegemite on bread. Vegemite's that dark spread probably made from cows' hooves and dingo (wild dog) claws. If you like it, you're a fair dinkum digger. Or you can circumvent the ritual test by opting for the oozing Aussieburger. As the menu says, "Prepared the Aussie way: With fried egg, cheese, bacon, grilled onions, beets, and pineapple. Put that in ya mug!"

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