Best of 2001: Best Hangover Cure

Coctelería La Playita
2121 Imperial Avenue, Sherman Heights
also at 5185 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard


Around 9:30 a.m., in the restaurant street inside the Farmers' Market, you'll often see a rack of well-dressed men sitting on stools at the counter of this seafood place. They'll have what looks like a super-large cocktail glass in front of them, bulging with seafood. Shrimp, octopus, squid, clams, and oysters swirl in a milky sauce. This is Vuelva a la Vida -- the "Return to Life" seafood cocktail. Guaranteed to revive you if you got a little drunk last night. Some swear by the Caldo de Pescado, the fish soup. The large bowl is chock-full of sliced carrots, celery, bell peppers, onions, and big chunks of fish flesh. Even more luxurious is the Seven Seas soup, with seven different seafoods mixed in.

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