Best of 2001: Best German Sausage On The Street

Heidi and Bernie's German Bratwurst Tent
Thursday-Night Market, North Park Way (between 29th and 30th Streets)


This is not just your average hot dog stand. "These are traditional Bavarian bratwurst," says Bernie. "I am from Bavaria. My granddad was a butcher there. He taught me how to make these." Order the "deal," the hot bratwurst sausage in a bun, potato salad, a big swirl of sauerkraut, and soda, and the first taste, the one that sticks with you, is the earthiness of the bratwurst, which sets up the sharper sauerkraut. But it's not bitter. Actually, it's quite sweet. "I drain it to lessen the sour taste," says Heidi. "Then I add bay leaves and juniper berries." Bernie does the potato salad. "It's traditional Bavarian too," he says. "It has no mayo, no eggs, no preservatives." And he has the sausage made to his family recipe. "The only other place you'll get this sausage is at the San Diego Yacht Club," he says. "My dad is their executive chef. Of course, first you have to pay $17,000 to join. So we're a little cheaper."

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